October 31, 2023
Sometimes, you need to see yourself through another’s eyes to appreciate your areas of excellence and opportunities. This idea captures my reflections following our Accreditation debriefing on October 25, 2023, and our entire anniversary year.
It is time to take a moment and celebrate what we – our staff, residents, families, donors, supporters, friends and many partners – have accomplished together.
Our anniversary year continues to be an exciting journey as we move forward with projects that will significantly benefit seniors’ living options in Waterloo Region. We have had the opportunity to connect and build community through our many events:
Walk the Kindness Way engaged church delegates, members, colleagues, LTC partners, staff, residents and friends to help us reach $166,000 toward our $250,000 goal to create Healing Gardens at Fairview and Parkwood.
The Delphine and Lloyd Martin Apartments includes a piece of history in its construction with the signed topping off beam installed. The building is on track to welcome residents in March 2024. For those who are interested in living here, please contact the Presentation Centre at (519) 885-4810 ext. 252. Our exciting progress is tracked here: https://parkwoodmh.com/capital-campaign/gallery/.
The Gala Anniversary celebration was supported and enjoyed by 250 guests and raised $69,000 to support the Delphine and Lloyd Martin Apartments and Fairview’s LTC expansion. This means Parkwood has $183,000 left to raise to reach its $7.5M goal! Congratulations to the gala committee, the décor team and those who put together a remarkable Silent Auction! Thank you to all who sponsored this event. Your support means so much to us.
Fairview’s Groundbreaking event – another historical moment – kicked off the construction that will more than double Fairview’s LTC Home, from 84 beds to 192 beds! This project will take approximately two years to complete. It was wonderful to see so many residents and staff at the event and a first for us to include an Indigenous Land Blessing, offered by Clarence Cachagee of Crow Shield Lodge, and a Prayer of Dedication shared by Danielle Raimbault, Pastor, Preston Mennonite Church.
Accreditation of Fairview and Parkwood’s LTC Homes, Home and Community Support Services and Governance took place in a whirlwind of extremely well-organized meetings on October 23 and 24. I must say that I experienced some of my proudest moments when sitting in on the presentations by staff. The knowledge, experience and preparation of all participants shone through.
Dan Levitt’s (representing Accreditation Canada) accreditation debriefing on Oct 25 pointed out multiple areas of excellence. We know we met 670 of 671 standards – a remarkable 99.91% – plus all 29 Required Organizational Practices! While we don’t have the formal results, in my eyes, our team is beyond exemplary. This is a significant achievement.
I want to finish by saying I know we will always have opportunities to improve. However, I want to be sure we pause and acknowledge what we have accomplished and what we will continue to accomplish, together, in the future.
With kindness,
Elaine Shantz
President & Chief Executive Officer
Here are a few photos that capture some of our highlights.
Team members participate in Walk the Kindness Way in June 2023.

The Delphine and Lloyd Martin Apartments are on track to open in March 2024.

Puneet Khanna, President and CEO of CareRx,
Presenting Sponsor, Gala Anniversary Celebration

Rick Martin, General Manager,
Platinum Dinner Sponsor, Gala Anniversary Celebration,
and Bardish Chaggar, MP, Waterloo

Groundbreaking for Fairview Mennonite Homes Long-Term Care Expansion, September 29, 2023

Photo l-r:
Heather Congdon, Executive Director, Fairview Mennonite Homes; Elaine Shantz, President and CEO, Fairview Mennonite Homes; Bob Shantz, Board Chair, Fairview Mennonite Homes; Karen Redman, Regional Chair, Waterloo Region; Stan Cho, Minister of Long-Term Care; Brian Riddell, Cambridge MPP; Jan Liggett, Mayor, Cambridge, and Corey Kimpson, Ward 3 Cambridge Councillor